The 'O-Shot,' also known as an 'Orgasm shot,' increases sensuality and sensation in women to enjoy better sex. Additionally, it relieves stress, which causes urinary incontinence, by supporting the urethra.
The O-Shot uses growth factors, including collagen, fibrin, and elastin, along with carefully extracted platelets. The best part is that it is the O-Shot all-natural! Since it comes from your bloodstream, it has nothing artificial or foreign. The growth factors are injected into the space between the urethra and the vaginal opening after the treated area has been numb. This results in collagen production, which supports the urethra, decreases stress urinary incontinence, and improves vaginal health. These injections also increase nerves and blood vessels in the clitoral area! Sensitivity and sensation are increased as a result of the O-shot!
Benefits of the O-Shot include:
- Quick results!
- Increased sensitivity.
- More frequent & stronger orgasms.
- Tightens vaginal skin.
- Can be used to treat urinary incontinence.
- Helps vaginal dryness.
- Decreases painful intercourse.
- Virtually pain-free.